The Blackdog
Home Improvement
Report 2022

Download the report

Like any good toolbox, the Blackdog Home Improvement Report is packed with useful bits and bobs you didn’t know you needed.

We spoke to home owners nationwide to get an understanding of what captivates people to try & buy in the world of DIY.


will cut back on home improvement spending due to the cost of living increase

So how do we encourage the other 40% to increase their spend?


would rather validate a furniture purchase in-store before buying online

What can we do to up-sell during their in-store visit?

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How can this research benefit
your business?

Our deep-dive into the DIY and home improvement market gives a solid reflection of the way today’s consumers shop, highlighting new trends and activity that retailers can capitalise on.

It’s worth remembering that data and insights are just the beginning - it’s what you do with the information that’s the clever bit.

Josh would love to talk to you about your retail marketing strategy. To arrange a call or a face-to-face meeting, you can call him on 01920 459 530 or email

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